Prayer Connection
June 8, 2008We pray for all the children, youth, and adults who will participate in Vacation Bible School this week, Loving Christ. May your Holy Spirit cover them as they go Surfin’ through Your Word. May we all spend time during our summer to dive into your Word. Amen. Monday, June 9 Pray for VBS
Pray for The Vision of our Church, service men and women, Monroe and Mary Lee Howard, Family of Andy, Kevin Johnson's son, Branson, Blake & Family, Nancy Friday, Clark Wickliffe, and Guy Lewis.
Tuesday, June 10 Pray for the adults leading in VBS
Pray for Debbie Ewing, Bunny Barker, Mauvlline's friend, Margaret's friend, Sandy Keyser, Ellis McIntosh’s father, Charles Blount (co-worker of Tom Bass), Scott & Les Bailey, Lynn, Linda, Wade Roberts, Marjorie, Bobby, Ken Temple, and Richard.
Wednesday, June 11 Pray for the children attending VBS
Pray for Rita's family, Don Hinsley, Rebecca (Katelyn Lewis’ friend), Janice Combs (pastor of Salem UMC), Roslyn Fox Dunlap, Tyler and Tara Potter.
Thursday, June 12 Pray for any visitors who come to VBS
Pray for Pat Norton, Linda Beard, Irwin Taylor, Ben, Jeff and Carin Towne (friends of a friend of Susan), Judy Miller, Linda Dellinger, Reuben & Mildred Gourley, John Crutchfield, Kay Lewis, Diane Bass' niece in Africa.
Friday, June 13 Pray for the youth helping at VBS
Pray for the ministries of the church, Dr. George Thompson (Our District Superintendent), Larry Broughton Family (Tom Bass’ family), Charles Blount family.
Saturday, June 14 Spend a moment surfin’ through your favorite scripture verse.
Use this space to write down prayers shared during worship:
If you wish to add a name to the Prayer Connection, please fill out a card in the pew pocket and put in the offering plate. You may also call the church office or email your prayer requests to Rev. Susan at Prayer requests will remain on the connection for three weeks and then be rotated off to allow new prayers to be shared.
Join others on Sunday morning at 8:55am for prayer in the Prayer Room. You are invited to join in prayer every evening at 9:00pm as we pause to pray for those serving in the military and for a quick end to war.