Monday, December 10, 2007
Caroling cont...
Katelyn and Scout during their solo "Away in a Manger"

Braedan and Maci outside of one of the homes we visited.

Braedan and Maci outside of one of the homes we visited.

Braedan leading Maci, Morgan, Amber and Chandler
in "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. "
At one of the homes we visited,
Braedan decided that he wanted to
a solo to this song. It was a
wonderful performance and brought
smiles to all...
Monday, December 3, 2007
Grand Sweep Bible Study Begins in January...
Ever wanted to go through the entire Bible in One Year?!
This is your opportunity. Dr. J. Ellsworth Kallas will guide us through a 365 day journey. Our class will meet just once a month. Please let Rev. Susan know if you are interested. You will need two books to guide you and of course a Bible. We will have our first sessions in January.
Monday, January 21st, 7:00PM (Bethel UMC)
Wednesday, January 23rd, 10:30AM (Fairfield UMC)
You will need to come having read the first month's readings for our January session.
Start 2008 off Right!
This is your opportunity. Dr. J. Ellsworth Kallas will guide us through a 365 day journey. Our class will meet just once a month. Please let Rev. Susan know if you are interested. You will need two books to guide you and of course a Bible. We will have our first sessions in January.
Monday, January 21st, 7:00PM (Bethel UMC)
Wednesday, January 23rd, 10:30AM (Fairfield UMC)
You will need to come having read the first month's readings for our January session.
Start 2008 off Right!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Prayer Connection, Week of December 2, 2007
We are filled with anticipation for your coming! Come, baby Jesus, come! Fill our hearts and lives with your light of peace. Amen.
Monday, December 3 Isaiah 2:1-5
Pray for our a Relay for Life Leader in our church, service men and women, Monroe and Mary Lee Howard, Morgan & Jenny McCaslin, Melissa Holcombe, Madison Mallone, Rick Norton.
Tuesday, December 4 Psalm 122
Pray for Dave and Lynn Thiele, Jan's Sister and family, family & friends of Will McLeod, Ike Coombs, Sandi Ridout (Tom Bass's sister).
Wednesday, December 5 Romans 13:11-14
Pray for a New Choir Leader, Bob Thompson, Danny Blue, Margaret Tucker, Zelma Brown, Elliott, and John Bean (Erin's Thompson's uncle).
Thursday, December 6 Light a candle, say a prayer of anticipation.
Pray for the children and youth of the church, Debbie Norton, George Broome, Linda Dellinger, Ed McQuain.
Friday, December 7 Matthew 24:36-44
Pray for the church and those we are awaiting to join us for worship, prayers for those countries in political strife, prayers for families of college students who died in Ocean Isle fire.
Saturday, December 8 Ponder the role of Joseph as we sit with him in the stable tomorrow morning.
Pray for our United Methodist missionaries and the many missions of the church, all unspoken prayer requests and for continued praises, thanksgivings for homes spared in California, Celebration that Devin is Home for Thanksgiving.
If you wish to add a name to the Prayer Connection, please fill out a card in the pew pocket and put in the offering plate. You may also call the church office or email your prayer requests to Rev. Susan at Prayer requests will remain on the connection for three weeks and then be rotated off to allow new prayers to be shared.
Join others on Sunday morning at 8:55am for prayer in the Prayer Room (upstairs). You are invited to join in prayer every evening at 9:00pm as we pause to pray for those serving in the military and for a quick end to war.
Monday, December 3 Isaiah 2:1-5
Pray for our a Relay for Life Leader in our church, service men and women, Monroe and Mary Lee Howard, Morgan & Jenny McCaslin, Melissa Holcombe, Madison Mallone, Rick Norton.
Tuesday, December 4 Psalm 122
Pray for Dave and Lynn Thiele, Jan's Sister and family, family & friends of Will McLeod, Ike Coombs, Sandi Ridout (Tom Bass's sister).
Wednesday, December 5 Romans 13:11-14
Pray for a New Choir Leader, Bob Thompson, Danny Blue, Margaret Tucker, Zelma Brown, Elliott, and John Bean (Erin's Thompson's uncle).
Thursday, December 6 Light a candle, say a prayer of anticipation.
Pray for the children and youth of the church, Debbie Norton, George Broome, Linda Dellinger, Ed McQuain.
Friday, December 7 Matthew 24:36-44
Pray for the church and those we are awaiting to join us for worship, prayers for those countries in political strife, prayers for families of college students who died in Ocean Isle fire.
Saturday, December 8 Ponder the role of Joseph as we sit with him in the stable tomorrow morning.
Pray for our United Methodist missionaries and the many missions of the church, all unspoken prayer requests and for continued praises, thanksgivings for homes spared in California, Celebration that Devin is Home for Thanksgiving.
If you wish to add a name to the Prayer Connection, please fill out a card in the pew pocket and put in the offering plate. You may also call the church office or email your prayer requests to Rev. Susan at Prayer requests will remain on the connection for three weeks and then be rotated off to allow new prayers to be shared.
Join others on Sunday morning at 8:55am for prayer in the Prayer Room (upstairs). You are invited to join in prayer every evening at 9:00pm as we pause to pray for those serving in the military and for a quick end to war.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
What's Our Vision?
When you think of the word "vision," what comes to mind? Perhaps it's how we see...perhaps it's what we see, but when we think about our church perhaps it should be an understanding of where we are going. Jesus taught about having a vision and his teachings are related to us
through many of the parables found in the Bible. This begs the question, how do we define the vision of Fairfield United Methodist Church?
This question is one that many churches wrestle with in relation to their own church, but it is one for which the Fairfield Church Council is determined to find an answer. On December 1st, members of Fairfield and Bethel Church Councils met with Rev. Chris Westmoreland from Assurance UMC in Huntersville. The four and half hours were spent in worship, communion, discussion, and prayer. The councils looked at four overriding questions in an effort to help us realize the needs that are in our community and how we can best serve God through our efforts.

This question is one that many churches wrestle with in relation to their own church, but it is one for which the Fairfield Church Council is determined to find an answer. On December 1st, members of Fairfield and Bethel Church Councils met with Rev. Chris Westmoreland from Assurance UMC in Huntersville. The four and half hours were spent in worship, communion, discussion, and prayer. The councils looked at four overriding questions in an effort to help us realize the needs that are in our community and how we can best serve God through our efforts.
The second, WHY DOES THIS COMMUNITY NEED THE CHURCH (meaning the body of Christ)?
And the fourth, WHOSE CHURCH ARE WE? (To whom does our church belong?)
Let's face it...the Denver community is changing--daily. The pace is faster, the traffic heavier, and the faces we meet on the road aren't people we know by name anymore. Rather than looking upon all the growth and change as negative, we must remember that this growth gives us an opportunity like none other--it gives us more people "to reach out and invite" just as our mission statement proclaims.
As the council moves forward with our "visioning," we will be reading the text, The Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations and will begin looking for ways to implement small tests of change in an effort to minister to God's people--all of God's people. Chris reminded us that Jesus is most concerned about the people who are not here yet and as we vision, we must keep in mind that through prayer and careful discernment, we can figure out what God is calling Fairfield to do. If what we do is His will, IT WILL BE SUCCESSFUL.
We challenge you to ponder the four questions and post any of your thoughts. During our sharing sessions we had many, many wonderful things to share about our church and what makes it special. What do you think makes Fairfield special? Then, think about this--How do others view our church?
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Relay For Life Leader Needed...
Please prayerfully consider being the Relay For Life Leader for our church. Add this to your prayer list and we will see where God leads us. If anyone is interested please contact us under the contact us section, on the right. I don't want to put any pressure on anyone but we will need to come to a decision before December 7th. Which is their Kick-Off Open House. The leader will also need to have access to the computer/Internet. They meet once a month until the event in April. Please know that if you feel called to this position it is a wonderful cause that our church will stand behind you and your efforts 100%. This is not a one man team and we are here to lift you up and support you.
Relay Mission Statement:
The American Cancer Society Relay For Life
represents the hope that those lost to cancer
will never be forgotten, that those who
face cancer will be supported and
that one day cancer will be eliminated.
Relay Mission Statement:
The American Cancer Society Relay For Life
represents the hope that those lost to cancer
will never be forgotten, that those who
face cancer will be supported and
that one day cancer will be eliminated.
Monday, November 26, 2007
What in the World is a BLOG?
What is a blog and how does it work? Many of you may ask yourselves this. I know I did the first time I heard about blogging. It's a place on the Internet, much like a web page, where you can share and enrich communications.
You may ask how reading the things posted here will enrich communications? If used properly this BLOG is so much more than a place to come and find out what is going on at Fairfield United Methodist Church. Please take time to notice, that at the end of every post there is a comment section. You are allowed and encouraged to add your thoughts and feelings. After all each of us make up this wonderful church we unite our selves in. Before you know it everyone is checking in to see what has been posted and who has commented. It's addicting, I can tell you that first hand. When you have a cause as good as the one we serve being addicted to it is a great thing.
The word will spread fast, soon everyone is inviting friends and families to join in on topics, polls, to view our latest photo's or to listen to Rev. Susan's Sermons. Then this little church in Denver, North Carolina is serving much more than it's members. The word has spread and people from all over are being blessed by what we have to offer. You never know who we will touch or what great blessing can come from this. As we all know; our Lord is so much greater than the four walls of Fairfield UMC.
Please read through our church Blog. To the right of this BLOG you can find many valuable tools.
Under: Hear Rev. Susan's Sermons click on Fairfield UMC Podcasts listen to a sermon you may have missed. Or invite a friend who you knew might be touched by a previous sermon.
Under: Keep Me Connected you can sign up to receive an update right in your e-mail in box each time this blog is updated.
You can also find our Sunday School and Worship Schedule, Contact Us Information and just for fun a monthly Poll.
Under: Blog Archive you can look up previous post by month and post title. A quick way to find out something specific you are looking for.
You will find all kinds of information here. And much more than information, you will find a community of believers who are united in one great mission. If you have visited before and never left a comment please do. I would love to know who's visiting, and hear what you have to say! I challenge each of you to communicate here, really reach out and allow this to be an enriching experience for all who look on.
You may ask how reading the things posted here will enrich communications? If used properly this BLOG is so much more than a place to come and find out what is going on at Fairfield United Methodist Church. Please take time to notice, that at the end of every post there is a comment section. You are allowed and encouraged to add your thoughts and feelings. After all each of us make up this wonderful church we unite our selves in. Before you know it everyone is checking in to see what has been posted and who has commented. It's addicting, I can tell you that first hand. When you have a cause as good as the one we serve being addicted to it is a great thing.
The word will spread fast, soon everyone is inviting friends and families to join in on topics, polls, to view our latest photo's or to listen to Rev. Susan's Sermons. Then this little church in Denver, North Carolina is serving much more than it's members. The word has spread and people from all over are being blessed by what we have to offer. You never know who we will touch or what great blessing can come from this. As we all know; our Lord is so much greater than the four walls of Fairfield UMC.
Please read through our church Blog. To the right of this BLOG you can find many valuable tools.
Under: Hear Rev. Susan's Sermons click on Fairfield UMC Podcasts listen to a sermon you may have missed. Or invite a friend who you knew might be touched by a previous sermon.
Under: Keep Me Connected you can sign up to receive an update right in your e-mail in box each time this blog is updated.
You can also find our Sunday School and Worship Schedule, Contact Us Information and just for fun a monthly Poll.
Under: Blog Archive you can look up previous post by month and post title. A quick way to find out something specific you are looking for.
You will find all kinds of information here. And much more than information, you will find a community of believers who are united in one great mission. If you have visited before and never left a comment please do. I would love to know who's visiting, and hear what you have to say! I challenge each of you to communicate here, really reach out and allow this to be an enriching experience for all who look on.
Annual BBQ Success...Thank You
First and foremost I want to thank the good Lord above. Our missions and projects would never be a success without you at the core of everything we do. Second, all the church comers of Fairfield UMC. I am continuously amazed at your willingness to serve and reach out. It's the most wonderful feeling to be in a church with such a dedicated family of believers. Your service is a continuous symbol of your faith and love. Last but most defiantly not least, the community our church is grounded in. Your support is always a blessing...
Thank you men who cooked the best BBQ and chicken in town again, all night long.

Sunday, November 25, 2007
Annual BBQ Success...
Thank you for all who prepared the most delicious deserts
and those who served them.
We had the largest variety I have ever seen.
fellowship and eat. Our success would not have been possible
without you. Thank You for Supporting our Church...
As you can see it took a lot of people working together for one cause to equal a successful BBQ.
Our Thanks cannot be mentioned enough!
I am so proud to be a member of Fairfield United Methodist Church
Monday, November 19, 2007
Poll Answer
Who did Paul take with him on his first missionary journey?
ANSWER: Barnabas
Look up the answer in Acts chapters 13 and 14.
Please look to the right column for this month's new poll!
ANSWER: Barnabas
Look up the answer in Acts chapters 13 and 14.
Please look to the right column for this month's new poll!
Prayer Connection Week of November 18, 2007
Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Lord above, give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ to us. And now let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich, because of what the Lord has done for us. Give thanks!
Monday, November 19 Isaiah 65:17-25
Pray for our service men and women, Monroe and Mary Lee Howard, Georgia Andrews and her new twin grandbabies (3 days old) as well as their big brother, 3-year-old Joshua.
Tuesday, November 20 Isaiah 12
Pray for Dave and Lynn Thiele, Jan's Sister and family, family & friends of Will McLeod, Ike Coombs, Sandi Ridout (Tom Bass's sister).
Wednesday, November 21 Come to worship and give thanks. 7PM
Pray for a New Choir Leader, Bob Thompson, Danny Blue, Margaret Tucker, Zelma Brown, Elliott, and John Bean (Erin's Thompson's uncle).
Thursday, November 22 Give Thanks!
Pray for the children and youth of the church, Martha Hagler's brother, Nancy and Tom, Victims of those who have lost homes in California.
Friday, November 23 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13
Pray for the church and those we are awaiting to join us for worship, prayers for those countries in political strife, prayers for families of college students who died in Ocean Isle fire.
Saturday, November 24 Luke 21:5-19
Pray for our United Methodist missionaries and the many missions of the church, all unspoken prayer requests and for continued praises, thanksgivings for homes spared in California.
If you wish to add a name to the Prayer Connection, please fill out a card in the pew pocket and put in the offering plate. You may also call the church office or email your prayer requests to Rev. Susan at Prayer requests will remain on the connection for three weeks and then be rotated off to allow new prayers to be shared.
Monday, November 19 Isaiah 65:17-25
Pray for our service men and women, Monroe and Mary Lee Howard, Georgia Andrews and her new twin grandbabies (3 days old) as well as their big brother, 3-year-old Joshua.
Tuesday, November 20 Isaiah 12
Pray for Dave and Lynn Thiele, Jan's Sister and family, family & friends of Will McLeod, Ike Coombs, Sandi Ridout (Tom Bass's sister).
Wednesday, November 21 Come to worship and give thanks. 7PM
Pray for a New Choir Leader, Bob Thompson, Danny Blue, Margaret Tucker, Zelma Brown, Elliott, and John Bean (Erin's Thompson's uncle).
Thursday, November 22 Give Thanks!
Pray for the children and youth of the church, Martha Hagler's brother, Nancy and Tom, Victims of those who have lost homes in California.
Friday, November 23 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13
Pray for the church and those we are awaiting to join us for worship, prayers for those countries in political strife, prayers for families of college students who died in Ocean Isle fire.
Saturday, November 24 Luke 21:5-19
Pray for our United Methodist missionaries and the many missions of the church, all unspoken prayer requests and for continued praises, thanksgivings for homes spared in California.
If you wish to add a name to the Prayer Connection, please fill out a card in the pew pocket and put in the offering plate. You may also call the church office or email your prayer requests to Rev. Susan at Prayer requests will remain on the connection for three weeks and then be rotated off to allow new prayers to be shared.
Community Thanksgiving Worship
Looking forward to us all gathering together with others in the community for our Thanksgiving Worship.
Service is at 7:00PM at Fairfield UMC on November 21st. Please remember to bring a canned food for ELCM.
Have a blessed week!
PS...Fairfield folks, those who can help with some cookies, it would be appreciated. Also, if some folks are willing to be in the nursery we would appreciate that too! Thank you!
Service is at 7:00PM at Fairfield UMC on November 21st. Please remember to bring a canned food for ELCM.
Have a blessed week!
PS...Fairfield folks, those who can help with some cookies, it would be appreciated. Also, if some folks are willing to be in the nursery we would appreciate that too! Thank you!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Prayer Connection Week of November 11, 2007
May you send us prophetic voices today, gracious God. Help us hear the truths we need to hear to be the disciples you need us to be.Amen
Monday, November 12 Psalm 145:1-5Pray for our service men and women, Monroe and Mary Lee Howard, Ike Coombs & Herschel Coombs, Georgia Andrews and her new twin grand babies (3 days old) as well as their big brother, 3-year-old Joshua.
Tuesday, November 13 Psalm 145:17-21 Pray for Drew Elliott, Beverly & Bobby, Shelia Cline Family, Bill Meyer, Jessica Brantley, Dave and Lynn Thiele, Jan's Sister and family.
Wednesday, November 14 Haggai 1:5b—2:9Pray for New Choir Leader, Bob Thompson.
Thursday, November 15 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5Pray for the children and youth of the church, Martha Hagler'sbrother, Nancy and Tom, Victims of those who have lost homes in California.
Friday, November 16 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 Pray for the church and those we are awaiting to join us for worship,prayers for those countries in political strife, prayers for families of college students who died in Ocean Isle fire.
Saturday, November 17 Luke 20:27-38Pray for our United Methodist missionaries and the many missions of the church, all unspoken prayer requests and for continued praises,thanksgivings for homes spared in California.
If you wish to add a name to the Prayer Connection, please fill out a card in the pew pocket and put in the offering plate. You may also call the church office or email your prayer requests to Rev. Susan Prayer requests will remain on the connection for three weeks and then be rotated off to allow new prayers to be shared.Join others on Sunday morning at 8:55am for prayer in the Prayer Room(upstairs). You are invited to join in prayer every evening at 9:00pm as we pause to pray for those serving in the military and for a quick end to war.-- JOY!Rev. Susan A. Heafner-HeunPastor, Bethel UMC and Fairfield UMCrevheafheun@gmail.com
Monday, November 12 Psalm 145:1-5Pray for our service men and women, Monroe and Mary Lee Howard, Ike Coombs & Herschel Coombs, Georgia Andrews and her new twin grand babies (3 days old) as well as their big brother, 3-year-old Joshua.
Tuesday, November 13 Psalm 145:17-21 Pray for Drew Elliott, Beverly & Bobby, Shelia Cline Family, Bill Meyer, Jessica Brantley, Dave and Lynn Thiele, Jan's Sister and family.
Wednesday, November 14 Haggai 1:5b—2:9Pray for New Choir Leader, Bob Thompson.
Thursday, November 15 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5Pray for the children and youth of the church, Martha Hagler'sbrother, Nancy and Tom, Victims of those who have lost homes in California.
Friday, November 16 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 Pray for the church and those we are awaiting to join us for worship,prayers for those countries in political strife, prayers for families of college students who died in Ocean Isle fire.
Saturday, November 17 Luke 20:27-38Pray for our United Methodist missionaries and the many missions of the church, all unspoken prayer requests and for continued praises,thanksgivings for homes spared in California.
If you wish to add a name to the Prayer Connection, please fill out a card in the pew pocket and put in the offering plate. You may also call the church office or email your prayer requests to Rev. Susan Prayer requests will remain on the connection for three weeks and then be rotated off to allow new prayers to be shared.Join others on Sunday morning at 8:55am for prayer in the Prayer Room(upstairs). You are invited to join in prayer every evening at 9:00pm as we pause to pray for those serving in the military and for a quick end to war.-- JOY!Rev. Susan A. Heafner-HeunPastor, Bethel UMC and Fairfield UMCrevheafheun@gmail.com
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Fairfield UMC
Children's Christmas Program...
We will begin Christmas Program Practice this Sunday, November 11th @ 4 PM. Practice will be held every Sunday evening at 4 PM until our program. Practice will be for children 3 and up. Please have your children there Sunday evening!
Dawn Lynch
Dawn Lynch
Hospitality Event Postponed...
Well, wouldn't you know it?
You all responded with such great enthusiasm and I want to thank you for that.
Unfortunately, the district is postponing the event. They were hoping for some more participation from others. But looks like only Bethel and Fairfield (and a few others) were interested in hospitality! Good for you.
So, instead, rest this Sunday! We will host it again sometime soon!
You all responded with such great enthusiasm and I want to thank you for that.
Unfortunately, the district is postponing the event. They were hoping for some more participation from others. But looks like only Bethel and Fairfield (and a few others) were interested in hospitality! Good for you.
So, instead, rest this Sunday! We will host it again sometime soon!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Prayer Connection Week of November 4, 2007
We give thanks for the Saints in our lives who now dwell with you. May they continue to strengthen us as we grow in discipleship. Amen.
Monday, November 5
Pray for our service men and women, Monroe and Mary Lee Howard, Georgia Andrews and her new twin grand babies (3 days old) as well as their big brother, 3-year-old Joshua.
Tuesday, November 6
Pray for Drew Elliott, Beverly & Bobby, Shelia Cline Family, Bill Meyer, Jessica Brantley.
Wednesday, November 7
Pray for New Choir Leader, Les Ballard, Rick Cloninger, Jedediah Bass, Edd Norton, Will McLeod, Susan Cloninger, Vivian Broom,Victoria, Fred Foard, Students, Teachers, and Counselors, Family of Tyler Howton, and Ryan Hoyle. Thursday, November 8.
Pray for the children and youth of the church, Martha Hagler's brother, Nancy and Tom, Victims of those who have lost homes in California.
Friday, November 9
Pray for the church and those we are awaiting to join us for worship.
Saturday, November 10
Pray for our United Methodist missionaries and the many missions of the church, all unspoken prayer requests and for continued praises, thanksgivings for homes spared in California.
If you wish to add a name to the Prayer Connection, please fill out a card in the pew pocket and put in the offering plate. You may also call the church office or email your prayer requests to Rev. Susan at Prayer requests will remain on the connection for three weeks and then be rotated off to allow new prayers to be shared.
Join others on Sunday morning at 8:55am for prayer in the Prayer Room (upstairs). You are invited to join in prayer every evening at 9:00pm as we pause to pray for those serving in the military and for a quick end to war.
Monday, November 5
Pray for our service men and women, Monroe and Mary Lee Howard, Georgia Andrews and her new twin grand babies (3 days old) as well as their big brother, 3-year-old Joshua.
Tuesday, November 6
Pray for Drew Elliott, Beverly & Bobby, Shelia Cline Family, Bill Meyer, Jessica Brantley.
Wednesday, November 7
Pray for New Choir Leader, Les Ballard, Rick Cloninger, Jedediah Bass, Edd Norton, Will McLeod, Susan Cloninger, Vivian Broom,Victoria, Fred Foard, Students, Teachers, and Counselors, Family of Tyler Howton, and Ryan Hoyle. Thursday, November 8.
Pray for the children and youth of the church, Martha Hagler's brother, Nancy and Tom, Victims of those who have lost homes in California.
Friday, November 9
Pray for the church and those we are awaiting to join us for worship.
Saturday, November 10
Pray for our United Methodist missionaries and the many missions of the church, all unspoken prayer requests and for continued praises, thanksgivings for homes spared in California.
If you wish to add a name to the Prayer Connection, please fill out a card in the pew pocket and put in the offering plate. You may also call the church office or email your prayer requests to Rev. Susan at Prayer requests will remain on the connection for three weeks and then be rotated off to allow new prayers to be shared.
Join others on Sunday morning at 8:55am for prayer in the Prayer Room (upstairs). You are invited to join in prayer every evening at 9:00pm as we pause to pray for those serving in the military and for a quick end to war.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Operation Christmas Child Project of Samaritan's Purse...
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." MATTHEW 19:14. NIV
A gift of joy and a message of God's love.
Dear Friend,
It's a heartbreaking reality. Millions of boys and girls around the globe live in difficult circumstances and are in desperate need of hope. Whether they are slum dwellers in Calcutta or orphans in Johannesburg, children long to know that they are loved.
Operation Christmas Child is one way you can make a difference in a young person's life. Since 1993, this Samaritan's Purse project has shared the Good News of God's love with hurting children through the simplest of gifts-shoe boxes! Filled with school supplies, toys, and personal items that are packed by caring people, these boxes help introduce children o Jesus Christ. Local believers follow up with evangelistic programs, and many precious boys and girls later receive Jesus as their Savior.
We invite your family, church, or group to take part in this unique missions project. As you pack a shoe box for a child, please pray for the boy or girl who will receive it. Spread the word so others will get involved too. You will be amazed to see how God can use a small gift-your gift-to touch a child's heart!
Franklin Graham
President, Samaritan's Purse
1. SHOE BOX- Use an empty shoe box (standard size please) or a small plastic container. You can wrap the box (lid separately), but wrapping is not required.
-Pray for the child who will receive your special gift.
2. BOY OR GIRL? Determine whether your gift will be for a boy or a girl, and the child's age category; 2-4, 5-9 or 10-14. Use the appropriate boy/girl label. Download label from or pick one up at the church.
3. FILL WITH GIFTS- Fill the box with a variety of gifts that will bring delight to a child.
4. INCLUDE YOUR DONATION- Please donate $7 or more for each shoe box you prepare to help cover shipping and other project costs. You can use a donation envelope or you can give online through our EZ give method. If you or your family are preparing more than one shoe box, please make one combined donation.
-It's easy and convenient to give online. Go to, and look for our EZ Give button.
5. DROP OFF- Place a rubber band around each closed shoe box and drop off at Fairfield UMC by Sunday, November 11, 2007.
School Supplies- pens, pencils and sharpener, crayons or markers, stamps and ink pad sets, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc.
Toys- small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yo's, jump ropes, small Etch A Sketch, toys that light up or make noise (with extra batteries), Slinky, etc.
Hygiene Items- toothbrush, toothpaste, mild bar soap (in a plastic bag), comb, washcloth, etc.
Other- Hard candy and lollipops (please double bag all candy), mints, gum, T-shirts, socks, ball caps, sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries)
A Personal Note- In a separate envelope, you may enclose a note to the child and a photo of yourself or your family. (If you include your name and address, the child may write back.)
DO NOT INCLUDE: Used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures; chocolate or food; out of date candy; liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.
A gift of joy and a message of God's love.
Dear Friend,
It's a heartbreaking reality. Millions of boys and girls around the globe live in difficult circumstances and are in desperate need of hope. Whether they are slum dwellers in Calcutta or orphans in Johannesburg, children long to know that they are loved.
Operation Christmas Child is one way you can make a difference in a young person's life. Since 1993, this Samaritan's Purse project has shared the Good News of God's love with hurting children through the simplest of gifts-shoe boxes! Filled with school supplies, toys, and personal items that are packed by caring people, these boxes help introduce children o Jesus Christ. Local believers follow up with evangelistic programs, and many precious boys and girls later receive Jesus as their Savior.
We invite your family, church, or group to take part in this unique missions project. As you pack a shoe box for a child, please pray for the boy or girl who will receive it. Spread the word so others will get involved too. You will be amazed to see how God can use a small gift-your gift-to touch a child's heart!
Franklin Graham
President, Samaritan's Purse
1. SHOE BOX- Use an empty shoe box (standard size please) or a small plastic container. You can wrap the box (lid separately), but wrapping is not required.
-Pray for the child who will receive your special gift.
2. BOY OR GIRL? Determine whether your gift will be for a boy or a girl, and the child's age category; 2-4, 5-9 or 10-14. Use the appropriate boy/girl label. Download label from or pick one up at the church.
3. FILL WITH GIFTS- Fill the box with a variety of gifts that will bring delight to a child.
4. INCLUDE YOUR DONATION- Please donate $7 or more for each shoe box you prepare to help cover shipping and other project costs. You can use a donation envelope or you can give online through our EZ give method. If you or your family are preparing more than one shoe box, please make one combined donation.
-It's easy and convenient to give online. Go to, and look for our EZ Give button.
5. DROP OFF- Place a rubber band around each closed shoe box and drop off at Fairfield UMC by Sunday, November 11, 2007.
School Supplies- pens, pencils and sharpener, crayons or markers, stamps and ink pad sets, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc.
Toys- small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yo's, jump ropes, small Etch A Sketch, toys that light up or make noise (with extra batteries), Slinky, etc.
Hygiene Items- toothbrush, toothpaste, mild bar soap (in a plastic bag), comb, washcloth, etc.
Other- Hard candy and lollipops (please double bag all candy), mints, gum, T-shirts, socks, ball caps, sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries)
A Personal Note- In a separate envelope, you may enclose a note to the child and a photo of yourself or your family. (If you include your name and address, the child may write back.)
DO NOT INCLUDE: Used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures; chocolate or food; out of date candy; liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Fall Festival
Thank you so much to all who came and enjoyed the events at our Fall Festival. We so a lot of new faces and that was really nice. We enjoyed having each of you. Thank you also to the church members who decorated a trunk, prepared food and joined us for all the fun. The event was a HUGE success and that would not have been possible without all who came and all who helped.

Mattie Rudd and friends.

Mattie Rudd and friends.
Prayer Connection Week of October 28, 2007
Commission me to your service, Lord Jesus. Send me forth to be in ministry! Amen.
Monday, October 29 Prayerfully consider your ministry in the world.
Pray for our service men and women, Monroe and Mary Lee Howard, Martha and Calvin, Jark and Kristen Edwards, Wayne Davis (Rodney Thompson's step-grandfather), Emma Barker, Georgia Andrews and her new twin grand babies (3 days old) as well as their big brother, 3-year-old Joshua.
Tuesday, October 30 Joel 2:23-32
Pray for Mary Thomas, Gail & Mike (loss of Mike's aunt), Baxter Family, Josh, and Chris Helms, Drew Elliott, Beverly & Bobby, Shelia Cline Family, Bill Meyer, Jessica Brantley.
Wednesday, October 31 Psalm 65
Pray for New Choir Leader, Lynda Faye Valetta, Danny Valetta, Les Ballard, Rick Cloninger, Jedediah Bass, Edd Norton, Will McLeod, Susan Cloninger, Vivian Broom,Victoria, Fred Foard, Students, Teachers, and Counselors, Family of Tyler Howton, and Ryan Hoyle. Thursday, November 1 Give thanks and remember loved ones who have died.
Pray for the children and youth of the church, Hannah Martin, Majorie and Barrett Fish (on the death of Barrett's father, Steve Fish)
Friday, November 2 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18
Pray for the church and those we are awaiting to join us for worship, Michael Wren, Alice Squires, Edwards Couple, Walt Shanklin, Mike's Father, Hunter, Perry Cochran.
Saturday, November 3 Luke 18:9-14
Pray for our United Methodist missionaries and the many missions of the church, all unspoken prayer requests and for continued praises.
If you wish to add a name to the Prayer Connection, please fill out a card in the pew pocket and put in the offering plate. You may also call the church office or email your prayer requests to Rev. Susan at Prayer requests will remain on the connection for three weeks and then be rotated off to allow new prayers to be shared.
Monday, October 29 Prayerfully consider your ministry in the world.
Pray for our service men and women, Monroe and Mary Lee Howard, Martha and Calvin, Jark and Kristen Edwards, Wayne Davis (Rodney Thompson's step-grandfather), Emma Barker, Georgia Andrews and her new twin grand babies (3 days old) as well as their big brother, 3-year-old Joshua.
Tuesday, October 30 Joel 2:23-32
Pray for Mary Thomas, Gail & Mike (loss of Mike's aunt), Baxter Family, Josh, and Chris Helms, Drew Elliott, Beverly & Bobby, Shelia Cline Family, Bill Meyer, Jessica Brantley.
Wednesday, October 31 Psalm 65
Pray for New Choir Leader, Lynda Faye Valetta, Danny Valetta, Les Ballard, Rick Cloninger, Jedediah Bass, Edd Norton, Will McLeod, Susan Cloninger, Vivian Broom,Victoria, Fred Foard, Students, Teachers, and Counselors, Family of Tyler Howton, and Ryan Hoyle. Thursday, November 1 Give thanks and remember loved ones who have died.
Pray for the children and youth of the church, Hannah Martin, Majorie and Barrett Fish (on the death of Barrett's father, Steve Fish)
Friday, November 2 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18
Pray for the church and those we are awaiting to join us for worship, Michael Wren, Alice Squires, Edwards Couple, Walt Shanklin, Mike's Father, Hunter, Perry Cochran.
Saturday, November 3 Luke 18:9-14
Pray for our United Methodist missionaries and the many missions of the church, all unspoken prayer requests and for continued praises.
If you wish to add a name to the Prayer Connection, please fill out a card in the pew pocket and put in the offering plate. You may also call the church office or email your prayer requests to Rev. Susan at Prayer requests will remain on the connection for three weeks and then be rotated off to allow new prayers to be shared.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Barker Baptism...NEWEST MEMBERS!!!

Rev. Heafner-Heun pouring the baptism water.
Trent, Emma, Harrison and Jennifer Barker.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Prayer Connection Week of October 21, 2007
You have given us plenty. May we open up our baskets, filled with gifts, and share them with you and others. Amen.
Monday, October 22 Prayerfully consider what you have in your basket to share.
Pray for our service men and women, Monroe and Mary Lee Howard, Martha and Calvin, Mackenzie Lynch, Jark and Kristen Edwards, Wayne Davis (Rodney Thompson's step-grandfather), Emma Barker.
Tuesday, October 23 Jeremiah 31:27-34
Pray for Jill Miller's mother, Morgan and Jenny McCaslin (Trey McCaslin's parents), Mary Thomas, Gail & Mike (loss of Mike's aunt), Baxter Family, Josh, and Chris Helms.
Wednesday, October 24 Psalm 119:97-104
Pray for New Choir Leader, Lynda Faye Valetta, Danny Valetta, Les Ballard, Rick Cloninger, Jedediah Bass, Edd Norton, Will McLeod, Susan Cloninger, Vivian Broom,Victoria, Fred Foard, Students, Teachers, and Counselors, Family of Tyler Howton, and Ryan Hoyle. Thursday, October 25 2 Timothy 3:14—4:5
Pray for the children and youth of the church, Hannah Martin, Justin Owens, Patients in Rehab, Paul Thompson, Merle Lancaster & Marjorie Barrett (upon the death of their father, Steve Fish).
Friday, October 26 Luke 18:1-8
Pray for the church and those we are awaiting to join us for worship, Michael Wren, Alice Squires, Edwards Couple, Walt Shanklin, Mike's Father, Hunter, Terry Cochran.
Saturday, October 27 Be still and listen for God's calling in your life.
Pray for our United Methodist missionaries and the many missions of the church, all unspoken prayer requests and for continued praises.
If you wish to add a name to the Prayer Connection, please fill out a card in the pew pocket and put in the offering plate. You may also call the church office or email your prayer requests to Rev. Susan at Prayer requests will remain on the connection for three weeks and then be rotated off to allow new prayers to be shared.
Join others on Sunday morning at 8:55am for prayer in the Prayer Room (upstairs). You are invited to join in prayer every evening at 9:00pm as we pause to pray for those serving in the military and for a quick end to war. -- JOY!Rev. Susan A. Heafner-HeunPastor, Bethel UMC and Fairfield UMC
Monday, October 22 Prayerfully consider what you have in your basket to share.
Pray for our service men and women, Monroe and Mary Lee Howard, Martha and Calvin, Mackenzie Lynch, Jark and Kristen Edwards, Wayne Davis (Rodney Thompson's step-grandfather), Emma Barker.
Tuesday, October 23 Jeremiah 31:27-34
Pray for Jill Miller's mother, Morgan and Jenny McCaslin (Trey McCaslin's parents), Mary Thomas, Gail & Mike (loss of Mike's aunt), Baxter Family, Josh, and Chris Helms.
Wednesday, October 24 Psalm 119:97-104
Pray for New Choir Leader, Lynda Faye Valetta, Danny Valetta, Les Ballard, Rick Cloninger, Jedediah Bass, Edd Norton, Will McLeod, Susan Cloninger, Vivian Broom,Victoria, Fred Foard, Students, Teachers, and Counselors, Family of Tyler Howton, and Ryan Hoyle. Thursday, October 25 2 Timothy 3:14—4:5
Pray for the children and youth of the church, Hannah Martin, Justin Owens, Patients in Rehab, Paul Thompson, Merle Lancaster & Marjorie Barrett (upon the death of their father, Steve Fish).
Friday, October 26 Luke 18:1-8
Pray for the church and those we are awaiting to join us for worship, Michael Wren, Alice Squires, Edwards Couple, Walt Shanklin, Mike's Father, Hunter, Terry Cochran.
Saturday, October 27 Be still and listen for God's calling in your life.
Pray for our United Methodist missionaries and the many missions of the church, all unspoken prayer requests and for continued praises.
If you wish to add a name to the Prayer Connection, please fill out a card in the pew pocket and put in the offering plate. You may also call the church office or email your prayer requests to Rev. Susan at Prayer requests will remain on the connection for three weeks and then be rotated off to allow new prayers to be shared.
Join others on Sunday morning at 8:55am for prayer in the Prayer Room (upstairs). You are invited to join in prayer every evening at 9:00pm as we pause to pray for those serving in the military and for a quick end to war. -- JOY!Rev. Susan A. Heafner-HeunPastor, Bethel UMC and Fairfield UMC
Tweetsie Trip...
What a blessing it was to take our children to Tweetsie! Thank you to all who attended. It was a nice treat for us all. We enjoyed fellowship and just pure fun! Reminding us of our own childhoods, we were kids again for the day. Thank you also to the family that joined us from Bethel. It was great having you there. We really enjoyed getting to know you in such a fun atmosphere. I'm looking forward to our next outing!

Bethel Children, Morgan, Maci, Micah, Braenda,
Marley, Elizabeth Rose, Jed, Garrison.
Bethel Children, Morgan, Maci, Micah, Braenda,
Marley, Elizabeth Rose, Jed, Garrison.
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