When you think of the word "vision," what comes to mind? Perhaps it's how we see...perhaps it's what we see, but when we think about our church perhaps it should be an understanding of where we are going. Jesus taught about having a vision and his teachings are related to us
through many of the parables found in the Bible. This begs the question, how do we define the vision of Fairfield United Methodist Church?
This question is one that many churches wrestle with in relation to their own church, but it is one for which the Fairfield Church Council is determined to find an answer. On December 1st, members of Fairfield and Bethel Church Councils met with Rev. Chris Westmoreland from Assurance UMC in Huntersville. The four and half hours were spent in worship, communion, discussion, and prayer. The councils looked at four overriding questions in an effort to help us realize the needs that are in our community and how we can best serve God through our efforts.

This question is one that many churches wrestle with in relation to their own church, but it is one for which the Fairfield Church Council is determined to find an answer. On December 1st, members of Fairfield and Bethel Church Councils met with Rev. Chris Westmoreland from Assurance UMC in Huntersville. The four and half hours were spent in worship, communion, discussion, and prayer. The councils looked at four overriding questions in an effort to help us realize the needs that are in our community and how we can best serve God through our efforts.
The second, WHY DOES THIS COMMUNITY NEED THE CHURCH (meaning the body of Christ)?
And the fourth, WHOSE CHURCH ARE WE? (To whom does our church belong?)
Let's face it...the Denver community is changing--daily. The pace is faster, the traffic heavier, and the faces we meet on the road aren't people we know by name anymore. Rather than looking upon all the growth and change as negative, we must remember that this growth gives us an opportunity like none other--it gives us more people "to reach out and invite" just as our mission statement proclaims.
As the council moves forward with our "visioning," we will be reading the text, The Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations and will begin looking for ways to implement small tests of change in an effort to minister to God's people--all of God's people. Chris reminded us that Jesus is most concerned about the people who are not here yet and as we vision, we must keep in mind that through prayer and careful discernment, we can figure out what God is calling Fairfield to do. If what we do is His will, IT WILL BE SUCCESSFUL.
We challenge you to ponder the four questions and post any of your thoughts. During our sharing sessions we had many, many wonderful things to share about our church and what makes it special. What do you think makes Fairfield special? Then, think about this--How do others view our church?
This meeting was a real eye opener. I think we are headded in the right direction to reach and welcome the un-churched. It is amazing to watch first hand and be a part of God's will for His church.
One more thing...Thank you Chris for taking the time to worship with us and lead us. Your service is greatly appreciated.
What a great Saturday. Thanks to Chris for guiding us. Thanks to both churches for your time and participation in the event. I can not wait to see where we go from here!
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