Monday, January 28, 2008

Confirmands Claim the Name!

Today, the confirmation class learned about John Wesley, founder of our denomination. They learned that he had faith the size of a mustard seed and that faith launched a new movement. See if you know the answers to some of the Methodists fun facts they learned.

1. Do you know the three stages of grace which Wesley felt were so important?
2. Scripture holds authority for Wesley and for us. What three other things are important when it comes to understanding scripture and our relationship with God?
3. What are the two sacraments observed?
4. What are the three ways a person can be baptized in The United Methodist Church?
5. What happened to John Wesley at Aldersgate Street?
6. Why are we called Methodists?

For the answers...see a confirmand! Continue to pray for them on their journey to joining the church!

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